Thursday, October 31, 2013

carpet & co.

What I'm always a little worried about when summer is ending, is the idea of approaching an icy  floor; how can I play with my daughter, sitting on the floor without freezing?

If you don't have an underfloor heating system, the best solution remains a nice rug.  But it's easier said than done … you have to choose the material, the color, the shape, the design, the style, etc:  a hard choice indeed!

I don't want to open the chapter of the history of rugs, because there is really an “ocean” of information, so I take for granted that everyone knows about persian rugs and  I go straight to the present.

The most interesting carpet is absolutely the one that's been used to build a fantastic carpet house in Alabama! Actually it's a very ambitious project where recycled carpets, kept in controlled warehouses for 7 years, were used; the result is 72,000 single tesserae used to build all the walls!
Very eco!!!

If you feel inspired by this project and need 100% nature , a mat in natural fiber is definitely what you want!

Fiber rugs: fibers come from the processing of herbs, leaves or cellulose, a walk in the green: sisal, rice fiber , jute, abaca,  coconut and cellulose.

Sisal  for example is a material that comes from agave, it's a little stiff and doesn't want  humidity, while rice fiber is quite soft but doesn't want colors, so you can just find it in sandy nuances. If you are curious about all these elements you can take your fill:

 Ah the fitted carpet, great passion in the past, that used to cover any corner in the house, today is a little out of fashion but luckily there are still some countries where its potentiality is still exploited at its best with amazing results! Fitted carpets are generally made of mixed fibers, but there are of course in 100% very soft wool or technological with led inside!

If you are wary and don't want to choose a carpet that might last even 20 years, a rug is your ideal solution!  

They are realized in many different kinds;  woven, smooth, handmade with extraordinary fabrics.








My favorite?
Very soft, where I can lie down for hours!

Stay tuned!

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